速報APP / 生產應用 / SumIt! Text Summarization

SumIt! Text Summarization





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



SumIt! Text Summarization(圖1)-速報App

SumIt! is an automatic text summarizer. If you hate reading long news articles, research documents or any long piece of text, SumIt! can summarize all that for you in however many sentences you choose or less, depending on the size of the text. It uses a relatively simple but effective algorithm by pulling out key sentences and phrases from the text to create a bullet-list style summary.

SumIt! Text Summarization(圖2)-速報App

• Free to use

SumIt! Text Summarization(圖3)-速報App

• Simple and easy way to summarize text, just enter a URL or paste your text.

SumIt! Text Summarization(圖4)-速報App

• You can also share a summary through various outlets (E-mail, twitter, facebook, whatsapp, text message, etc.)

SumIt! Text Summarization(圖5)-速報App

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